Catering Jobs In Swindon

Helping kitchens and catering staff find each other

The staff at Purity Catering Recruitment have been in the catering trade for over 20 years, and have many contacts, both in terms of potential staff, and employers. For our recruits, we are always here to help with training, self-improvement and applications.

If you are looking for catering jobs in Swindon, Wiltshire and the surrounding areas, contact our helpful team and we will see what we can do to assist you.

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What we are looking for in our recruits

We are particularly looking for skilled chefs and cooks, and people with the desire and flexibility to work in a range of situations and both large and small businesses. As many roles are in pubs and restaurants in the surrounding villages of Wiltshire, and ability to drive or willingness to commute is also an advantage.

Reliability and motivation are also necessary, and expected in the industry. If this is you, we have a wide range of catering jobs in Swindon and the local area.

We also recruit international chefs and catering staff. If you are coming to work from abroad, we can help you obtain the necessary working visas for a fee.


a waitress taking the order of a couple on a notepad in a coffee shop


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an icon of a pencil writing notes on a piece of paper

Level 2 Food Hygiene Certificate

This is a rudimentary certification to show that the holder knows the basics of food safety, storage, and allergy awareness, so they can work in a kitchen safely. We ask that all our applicants complete this course and pass the test before they apply.


an icon of a pot cooking something on a gas stove


For applicants to senior roles extensive experience and knowledge in the industry is a requirement. For Junior Chefs, you will need to show you have completed chef's training, and most roles we advertise require some experience in the catering industry ideally.


an icon of a hand holding a plate covered with a cloche

Soft skills

These are paramount for front-of-house staff, and the ability to apply good customer relations and agency between kitchen staff and customers is also vital. The ability to work in a team and communicate effectively is also crucial for kitchen staff too.